Rahner visits BJ SHEA'S GEEK NATION to talk Rotten, his new Green Hornet annual and his congenital hatred of mornings. Listen HERE!
10-22-11: "Really, is there anything we DON'T love about this fantastic comic series?" ZOMBIE ZONE NEWS does a Q&A with Rahner for ZomBcon 2011. Read it HERE.
9-21-11: Ain't It Cool News on ROTTEN VOL. 2: REVIVAL OF THE FITTEST: "It encompasses everything that a good comic should. Read the review HERE!
4-13-11: Ain't It Cool News sez, "This is a great comic because you get the action, you get the suspense and yes, you get zombie warfare. But you also get a character driven story about the obsession of two men in their different pursuits (of the same goal) and how their discoveries mirror our own." Read Mr. Pasty's whole review HERE!!!
4-1-11: "Rotten is a great new take on the zombie horror genre that is smart, grim, and gritty ... This series really took me by surprise and has now earned a permanent place on my pull list!" Read the Hypergeek rave HERE!
3-23-11: "You would think that with all of the books, movies, TV shows, and comic series about zombies that there wouldn’t be much left to do with them. Yet, with this series you’d be wrong." Comics Forge digs or "Frostbite" tale!
3-8-11: "Rotten is amazing ... the concept is unique and well executed ... should be used as a model for 'going out of the box' in the zombie genre." Read the whole ZombieSlam.com review HERE!
9-27-10: "As a zombie, it's smarter than Palin." Newsarama interviews Rahner about "Revival of the Fittest HERE!
9-5-10: The comic/art/movie/entertainment site Jazma Online does separate Rotten interviews with Rahner (read it HERE) and Horton (read it HERE). Horton: "Happy entrails to you ..."
9-2-1-: "That Killer Irish Charm": Indiepulp.com interviews Dougherty and calls ROTTEN "perhaps the best sleeper horror comic book today." Find out why "he's be the perfect serial killer" HERE!
8-31-10: Paper Dragon Ink calls ROTTEN "a sure thing for fans of zombies, western or anyone who appreciate(s) the fact that the more things change the more they stay the same." Read it HERE!
8-23-10: "In the zombie wars of comics, and even movies, 'Rotten' keeps rising to the top." Read the killer review from Comics Grinder, "The Evolution of a Cult Hit," HERE!
8-18-10: Pop Culture Zoo: "In an endless sea of George Romero wannabees and endless variations of Of The Dead rehashings, Rahner and co-writer Robert Horton manage to simultaneously reinvent and revitalize the genre." Read the whole review HERE!
Ain't It Cool News gives Rotten No. 8 such a great review that we owe them sex: "Not only does Moonstone give us a great Western and a Great zombie story, they give them to us at the same damn time ... This series can really do no wrong." Read it all HERE!
Comics Waiting Room on Rotten 7 and 8: "Dougherty's action-friendly artwork and most especially Rahner and Horton's script continue to surpass themselves." Read the review HERE!
USA Today does a ROTTEN interview! See us infect The Nation's Newspaper HERE!
Bloody Disgusting talks to Rahner about buttox implants, checking into Tiger's rehab joint ... and a some ROTTEN stuff HERE!
Comic Book Resources lowers its standards: the ROTTEN interview HERE!
Newsarama interviews Rahner on ROTTEN: "With the brilliant art of Dan Dougherty, 'Rotten' is the real deal all the way around." That's even better than dying of autoerotic asphyxiation!
FHM mag in the U.K.: "It's genius, and a film adaptation goldmine that creator Mark Rahner and co-writer Robert Horton are sitting on." READ THE WHOLE RAVE FHM REVIEW HERE.
NEWSARAMA reviews ROTTEN No. 4: "wonderfully structured stoytelling ... It’s spooky stuff in the tradition of 'The Twilight Zone.' ... one of those best kept secrets in comics. " READ THE PROOF THAT WE'RE NOT MAKING IT UP HERE.
Newsarama gives the best ROTTEN review yet: "With zombie fever sky high in comics, all the talent behind Rotten is on top of their game ... This is a comic that can hold its own with any other comic, zombified or not." READ THE REST HERE.
"Take Eastwood's Unforgiven and Romero's Dawn of the Dead, throw in some exemplary writing, infuse some of Dougherty's incredible artwork and you have Rotten ... I am highly looking forward to the future of the series." And these people should know: it's the zombie-lovers at REVENANT MAGAZINE, and they've posted reviews of issues 1 and 2 that are better than a cricket bat in the junk!
"A revolutionary new comic book ... a brilliant piece of work." So says "The Soul of Seattle" on Air America's KPTK. Click on the 6/21 podcast and go to the second half of the hour.
Ain't It Cool News calls ROTTEN #1 a "must-buy"!
And that's even better than peeing blood after a kidney-punch!
Broken Frontier's Inside Look: Rotten #1, by Mark Rahner.
"The birthing process for ROTTEN would have made Octomom's criminally overworked uterus drop out and crawl away whimpering."
Comics Waiting Room opens wide: "ROTTEN is an interesting corroboration of comics which tends to draws you in regardless of whether you are a Western or zombie fan. By the end of the second issue you’ll be left wanting more of ‘William fucking Wade!’"
"Zombies with a Bad Smell." Broken Frontier interviews Mark Rahner about ROTTEN. And it's even better than getting blasted in the face by the vice president!
"Zombie Western? I'll buy that for a dollar ... or two ... or three." A six-page ROTTEN preview on Ain't It Cool News. Hey, that beats a face full of broken glass!
Newsarama interview: "Zombie Hunting in the 19th Century: Mark Rahner on Rotten
www.bloodygoodhorror.com review: If you're looking for something new in your zombie addiction, you can't go wrong with "Rotten". Hey, that's better than getting shivved in the yard!
Lucky 13th of May:
Read the ComicMonsters.com ROTTEN interview HERE!
Dan Dougherty peels back the skin for a look at his art process at ComicMonsters.com!
FANGORIA, the mac daddy of horror fan mags, interviews Mark Rahner about ROTTEN!
And it's better than a poke in the eye! "Releasing a new zombie comic onto today’s ghoul-filled shelves might seem like beating a dead horse, unless you’ve a got a super-cool approach—and Mark Rahner definitely does."